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Our sexy Martin Kater looks great in his wrestling suit as he sits on the bench showing his hairy legs and his feet. We close in on the top of the feet, letting the camera pan around. Then we go to wide view and close in on Martin's face. Dropping back down to the feet we watch as the toes begin to flex. Martin then places his right leg on the left. That shows the right shole and the top of the left foot as well. A wide view shows both and the toes flex more. Then Martin straightens his legs to show both soles. As he splays the feet out we notice his cock and balls held tightly int he see-thru suit. Then we close in on the left sole and linger to check the fine details. Moving over we do the same with the right sole. Then both are shown with the cock and balls on display too. As he turns onto his right side Martin places one foot on the other. We stay with the soles as the feet play against each other. To end we close in on the handsome face again.
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